Jocelyne Vreede

Jocelyne Vreede

How to design an alien

The intriguing possibilities of life in places beyond Earth, is becoming a viable research field, thanks to advances in chemistry, life science, planetary science and astronomy. In this transdisciplinary honours course we will address the different dimensions of this question.

Involved group members:

Jocelyne Vreede

Course coordinate:

Carsten Dominik



European credits (EC):


The intriguing possibilities of life in places beyond Earth, is becoming a viable research field, thanks to advances in chemistry, life science, planetary science and astronomy.  In this transdisciplinary honours course we will address the different dimensions of this question.  We will look at the chemical foundations of reactions that can deliver energy and that can store and copy information. We will analyse the properties of life on Earth and extract the essential aspects of and requirements for Life, and discuss its adaptability.  We will then turn to extrasolar planets and investigate the variety of conditions that can be expected to exist.  We discuss the origin of life on Earth, and extrapolate to other places, conditions, and Life forms.  The course starts with a series of 8 lectures during which teachers from all involved disciplines alternate.  The second part will be a group project. Groups will consist of at least one student each from the different disciplines.  They will work together to introduce each other into the various disciplinary subjects and to speculate about aspects and possible forms of life in a new planetary setting that will be defined for them by the teaching staff.

How to design an alien