Keerpunten in de Natuurwetenschap
Dit college geeft een inspirerende en toegankelijke inleiding tot de belangrijkste keerpunten in ons denken over de natuur.
Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences University of Amsterdam
Dit college geeft een inspirerende en toegankelijke inleiding tot de belangrijkste keerpunten in ons denken over de natuur.
The course Chemical Reactivity and Biomolecules in the first year of the bachelor focused on the chemical properties of the main building blocks of the cell.
Gain a practical understanding of the tools and techniques used in machine learning applications for chemists
Crystal structure of solids (inorganic and inorganic/organic materials); Chemical bonding & Crystal symmetry; Degree of ordering & Phase transitions; Relation between properties, structure and crystal symmetry. Microporous and Mesoporous solids (Zeolites, Clays, Organosilicates, Metal-Organic
Frameworks, Covalent Organic Frameworks).
This master course provides an introduction into modern programming methods used by scientists. Emphasis lies on applications in chemistry, but the programming methods are of course more generally applicable and useful for other scientific fields as well.
This bachelor course provides an introduction to programming concepts and tools used for scientific applications in chemistry. In addition you will learn to work with the Unix operating system that is used in virtually all scientific computing environments.
The lectures start with a recap of statistical mechanics, and an introduction molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods. Subsequently, methods to compute free energies and phase equilibria, and advanced Monte Carlo techniques to simulate complex fluids will be discussed.
Molecular dynamics is a powerful tool to investigate the structure and dynamics of biologically relevant molecules such as proteins, DNA and lipids in atomistic detail.
The theme of this bachelor course is to understand how the chemistry and structure of polymeric materials (organic, inorganic and hybrid inorganic-organic) allow them to fulfil their required function.
This course introduces the basic concepts of statistical physics and thermodynamics. Our modern life exposes us to the challenge to understand ever more complex processes in physics and biology in systems of many interacting particles (electrons, atoms, molecules, etc.).
The intriguing possibilities of life in places beyond Earth, is becoming a viable research field, thanks to advances in chemistry, life science, planetary science and astronomy. In this transdisciplinary honours course we will address the different dimensions of this question.
During this master course different numerical techniques, which can be used to solve sets of linear and nonlinear equations and differential equations, will be treated. With the aid of a computer several examples of relevant physical problems will be solved.