David Dubbeldam

David Dubbeldam

Scientific Computing and Programming

This master course provides an introduction into modern programming methods used by scientists. Emphasis lies on applications in chemistry, but the programming methods are of course more generally applicable and useful for other scientific fields as well.

Involved group members:

David Dubbeldam

Course coordinate:

Luuk Vischer



European credits (EC):


This course provides an introduction into modern programming methods used by scientists. Emphasis lies on applications in chemistry, but the programming methods are of course more generally applicable and useful for other scientific fields as well. The study load is 4 weeks net study time (equal to 6 EC) and is spread out equally over a period of 8 weeks thereby assuming 50% availability of the students during this period.

In the first period students learn either the C++ or the Fortran90 programming language and practice their skills with increasingly complex programming assignments. This period is ended with a partial exam in week 5 of the course. The final 3 weeks are dedicated to a programming assignment in which students develop a scientific software application to solve a computational chemistry problem. Contact sessions during these weeks will be organized such that students get individual feedback on their program design and implementation.

Scientific Computing and Programming