I obtained my MSc and PhD in computational physics from Sharif University of Technology (SUT) in Iran and University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland, respectively. In my PhD dissertation, I developed a DFT+KMC approach to simulate the deposition of materials by atomic layer deposition (ALD). This work has been done under supervision of Dr. S. Elliott at Tyndall national institute. Then, I followed my research career as postdoctoral fellowship at University of Antwerp (plasmant group) in Belgium. In this project, I worked under supervision of Prof. Annemie Bogaerts and Prof. Erik Neyts to develop a model to simulate the plasma catalysis. I completed my second postdoc at University of Eindhoven (PMP group) in the Netherlands. I worked under supervision of Prof. Ageeth Bol and Prof. Erwin Kessels to simulate the deposition of 2D materials by ALD. Currently, I am working as ICT developer and computational chemist at the University of Amsterdam in the computational chemistry group.
Research Interest
My research focuses on the simulation of the fabrication of semiconductor materials in sub 1-nm scale. I use the ab initio method, stochastic model, and artificial intelligence algorithm to build the multi-scale computational frameworks to address chemistry and physics in this scale.
A good example of molecular simulation

Slider revolution tutorial