In January 2018, the school MolSim-2018 took place at the University of Amsterdam. The school hosted PhD and postdoc students working in the field of molecular simulation. MolSim-2018 was organized by the Amsterdam Center for Multiscale Modeling.

  • Who: ACMM (Amsterdam Center for Multiscale Modeling) 
  • Where: University of Amsterdam
  • When: January 8-19, 2018

Molsim-2018 Program

The program consists of morning sessions with lectures, and afternoon sessions with hand-on exercises. There was a poster session organized, and during the weekend a social event. 

DayHourRoomLecturerCourseLecture Notes
Monday 8/109:00-09:15C0.110Evert Jan MeijerWelcome 
09:15-12:00C0.110Berend SmitIntro General
Intro Stat Mech
13:00-16:30G.010, G0.23David Dubbeldam, Bernd EnsingLab Course
16:30Welcome drinks
Tuesday 9/109:00-12:00C0.110Berend SmitIntro Monte Carlo
13:00-17:00G0.10, G0.23Lab Course
Wednesday 10/109:00-12:00C0.110Berend SmitIntro Molecular Dynamics
13:00-17:00G0.10, G0.23Lab Course
Thursday 11/109:00-12:00C0.110Peter BolhuisAdvanced MD
13:00-17:00G0.10, G0.23Lab Course
Friday 12/109:00-12:00C0.110Evert Jan MeijerFree Energies and Phase Equilibria
13:00-17:00G0.10, G0.23Lab Course
Saturday 13/1Day Off
Sunday 14/116:00Social Event + Dinner
Monday 15/109:00-12:00C0.110Thijs VlugtMC – CBMC/CFCMC
13:00-17:00G0.10, G0.23 Lab Course
Tuesday 16/109:00-12:00C0.110Daan FrenkelMC – Advanced Methods
13:00-17:00G0.10, G0.23Lab Course
Wednesday 17/1 09:00-10:30C0.110Gregory VothSystematic Coarse-graining:
Fundamentals and Applications
11:00-12:15C0.110Sanne AbelnBiological Systems – Lattice Models
13:00-17:00G0.10, G0.23Lab Course
Thursday 18/109:00-12:00C0.110Peter BolhuisRare Events
13:00-17:00G0.10, G0.23Lab Course
Friday 19/109:30-10:30C0.110Evert Jan MeijerIntroduction to First Principles
Molecular Dynamics
11:00-12:00C0.110Rodolphe VuilleumierApplications of FPMD to Earth Sciences:
From Hydrothermal Sources to
the Earth Mantle
~12:00C0.110Evert Jan MeijerClosing
All times are CET, Central European Times

Affiliation Lecturers

Gregory Voth – University of Chicago
Rodolphe Vuilleumier – ENS Paris
Sanne Abeln – Free University Amsterdam 
Thijs Vlugt – Delft University of Technology 
Daan Frenkel – University of Cambridge 
Berend Smit – EPFL and University of California Berkeley 
Bernd Ensing – University of Amsterdam 
David Dubbeldam – University of Amsterdam 
Peter Bolhuis – University of Amsterdam 
Evert Jan Meijer – University of Amsterdam